With a manufacturing plant situated within the Grimsby head offices, Handling Specialty has created an employee-centric culture which promotes information sharing between the shop floor and office environment and vice-versa. This environment of communication is an important aspect of why Handling Specialty has continued to thrive in each department from sales, to engineering, manufacturing and service. It is also why they've received return business from such notable companies as Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, GE, Bombardier, ArcelorMittal, Mercedes Benz, General Motors and many, many more.
When you understand your limitations, you can work toward change, and an employee-centric culture facilitates that end through open communication in a speedy manner. This not only benefits the company's infrastructure but is realized by their customers as well through the level of quality and support they experience with each piece of equipment produced.
A company which practices an employee-centric attitude is far more beneficial to their customer then one which does not.